Saturday, May 30, 2015

Crowdfunding Advocate

Crowd Funding Advocate

What is a crowdfunding advocate?  Crowd Funding Advocate CFA

A crowd funding advocate will assist little known projects gain traction in order to get noticed in the great ocean that is crowdfunding. Though our main focus is on the little guy we will not turn down the big guy, although in our experience we have seen the big projects do not need very much help. These big projects just seem to flourish as soon as they are launched.

That is why we focus on the projects that just seem to hover without any backers, no funds or pledges, and sometimes very few days remaining before they fade into non existence. Another dream unfounded, and with no hope of being revived.

For an answer to why this happens read... 4 Major Factors that Drive Crowdfunding Success.

We want to try to give these projects a fighting chance.

We have just launched this initiative, and we are trying to grow a network of small funders to zoom in  or zero in on these projects.

You are welcome to join us. Visit for details.

The how's of how we will we do this.

1. Provide the initial backers so no project starts with Zero backers.

2. Provide the initial funding, of course so your project looks like someone cares.

3. Provide social media marketing to get the word out.

4. Provide Pledge for a Pledge or P4P, in order for multiple projects to network with each other.

5. Provide tips and instructions to get your project in front of the crowd.

6. Provide low cost services to meet the above initiatives.

To sum it up we will help you get the crowd involved.

Now for some advertising.

Get the Illustrated Step by Step Guide to Crowd Funding Success and also get a Facebook Post a Twitter Post and 2 Backers for $10.00.

Crowdfunding is not a matter of. If you build it, they will come. If you do not already have a large fan base. If you do not have the funds to commit hundreds to thousands of dollars into advertisement and marketing. Or maybe you have not made your project likable enough. Just maybe you need another set of eyes to evaluate your project.

Once you reach a particular number the internet algorithms start to churn, sending out the all important data that drives more visitors to your campaign. 

The formula that makes it all possible.
Mobile Marketing+Crowdfunding+Social Media=Financial Independence
See What's Possible!

We are here to help you!

And now a word from our sponsor!

Check Us Out On Facebook!

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